The Personnel Committee must consist of a Quorum of 3 members at any one meeting and have full delegated powers to make decisions on behalf of the Council in the following disciplinary matters.
​Hearings for Grievance and Capability matters in accordance with the Council’s Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure.​
To deal with all issues relating to Discipline, Grievance and Capability.
Hearing any complaints in accordance with the Council’s Code of Practice for Handling Complaints and Freedom of Information requests.
All and any personnel matters and appraisals relating to the Town Clerk.
The committee retains the power to recommend to full council issues relating to:
Salaries (in association with the Policy & Scrutiny Committee);
Conditions of Service;
Staff levels;
Consideration of staffing reviews.
Professional development
Any other matter which may be delegated to it by the Council from time to time
The Committee may refer specific matters to the Council for a final decision if it so wishes.