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History of Epworth and the Town Council

Sir Cornelius Vermuyden
‘Manor In Epeuerde, Ledwin had eight carucates of land to be taxed. Land to twelve ploughs. Geoffrey de Wirce has there two ploughs, and eight sokemen, with two carucates and five oxgangs of this land; and thirteen villanes and nine bordars with six ploughs, and eleven fisheries of five shillings, and sixteen acres of meadow.  Wood pasture one mile long and one mile broad’

Epworth is situated within the Isle of Axholme,  a parcel of land originally surrounded  by rivers, streams, bogs and meres, which was drained between 1627 and 1629 by the  Dutch engineer Sir Cornelius Vermuyden.  As well as its historic roots within The Doomsday Book,


Epworth is also the birthplace of John and Charles Wesley, the forefathers of Methodism.

John & Charles Wesley

The Council

Epworth Town Council consists of 9 Councillors.

Councillors receive no income; councillors sign a declaration of acceptance of office and sign the North Lincolnshire "Code of Conduct" 

Council meets at 7pm on the first Tuesday of every calendar month in the small meeting room of the  Imperial Hall.


The agenda for each monthly meeting is ordinarily published to allow 3 clear days (excluding bank holidays and Sundays) before the meeting..


Members of the public are welcome to attend any meeting if they have views that they wish to express over any pre-published agenda or any other issue they wish to raise..


Public views can be expressed at the start of any full council meeting verbally, where it is encouraged that presentations last no more than three minutes.


If new matters of concern wish to be raised by a member of the public, requests can be made via out contact page.

Contact may also be made by telephone, in writing (email: or speaking to any of our Councillors.

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